Accelerating Postgres connections with PgBouncer
By Rayed
PgBouncer is a lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL, connection pooling makes Postgres connection much faster, which is important in Web applications.
Here I will explain the steps I used to configure it under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Step 1: We would configure users allowed to connect to PgBouncer:
$ sudo vi /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt
"rayed" "pgbouncer_password_for_rayed"
Step 2: We configure databases PgBouncer will pool for, and how PgBouncer will authenticate user:
$ sudo vi /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini
rayed = host=localhost user=rayed password=postgres_password_for_rayed
auth_type = md5
;auth_file = /8.0/main/global/pg_auth
auth_file = /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt
The default value for “auth_type” is “trust” which means a “system” user “rayed” will be allowed to connect to “Postgres” user “rayed”, I change to “md5” to force a password checking from the file “/etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt”.
Step 3: We will allow PgBouncer to start:
$ sudo vi /etc/default/pgbouncer
The default value is “0” which means don’t start PgBouncer ever, it is a way to make sure you know what you are doing 🙂
Step 4: Starting pgBouncer:
$ sudo service pgbouncer start
Step 5: Test the connection, by default “psql” connect using port “5432”, and pgBouncer use “6432”, so to test a pgBouncer connection we would use the following command:
$ psql -p 6432
If you get “Auth failed” error make, make sure the password you entered is the one you typed in step 1, if the command doesn’t ask for password try it with “-W” option, e.g. “psql -p 6432 -W”.