2 OpenBoot
3 Installation
4 Initalization & Shutdown
5 User Administration
6 File security
8 File Systems
11 Configuring Disks
12 Format
13 Backup & Recovery
15 VI
16 Remote Connection
17 Client Server
18 Network enviroumnet
19 Syslog
20 Disk Management
21 Pseudo FS & Swap space
22 NFS
23 Auto FS
24 Cache FS
25 Naming Service
26 NIS
27 Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
28 Solaris Managment Console (SMS) & Solstice AdminSuite
29 JumpStart

========================================== CHAPTER 1 ========================================== # echo $SHELL ------------------------------------------ # passwd -e rayed # change shell for user rayed ------------------------------------------ Sun comes with these shells: * /bin/sh Bourne $ /etc/profile ~/.profile * /bin/ksh Korne $ /etc/profile ~/.profile ~/.kshrc * /bin/csh C % /etc/.login ~/.login ~/.cshrc ------------------------------------------ Kernel files can be found in: * /kernel * /platform/<platform name>/kernel * /platform/<hardware-class-name>/kernel * /usr/kernel ------------------------------------------ MAN options # man -k keyword # man -M <path-to-man-file> command # man -a command # shows all man pages with that name # man -f command # shows a summary for all command with that name # man -s section command ========================================== CHAPTER 2 OpenBoot ========================================== OpenBoot commands STOP+A Aborts Soalris and go to OpenBoot "ok" prompt ( "# shutdown -i 0 -g 0 -y" is much better) STOP Bypass POST STOP+D Enter Diagnostic mode STOP+N Reset NVRAM contents to default values ------------------------------------------ OpenBoot commands ok banner # show system information ok help # show help ok help diag # show help for the category diag ok help sync # show help for the command sync ok go # continue operation of Soalris OS (from OpenBoot to Solaris) ok sync # Synchronize disk data ok reboot # reboot! ok boot # boot Soalris system ok boot -v # ... verbose ok boot -a # ... interactive boot ok boot -s # ... single user ok boot -r # ... reconfigure i.e. rescan devices ------------------------------------------ Manipulate OpenBoot variables ok printenv # Display enviroument variables ok setenv <var> # Set variable to value ------------------------------------------ OpenBoot variables - variable ending with "?" are boolean variables, accept either "true" or "false" - you can view the OpenBoot variable value using the solaris command: # eeprom parameter - and set them using the same command # eeprom parameter value - Some popular commands ok set-defaults # Set default values ok set-default parameter # set default value for givven parameter ok setenv auto-boot? true # Load Soalris directly ok setenv auto-boot? false # stop loading to OpenBoot prompt "ok" to load Solaris use "boot" ok setenv boot-device disk # Boot solaris from disk ok setenv boot-device net # Network ok setenv boot-device cdrom # CD-ROM ok nvalias mydisk /pci@1f,0 # create an alias for device with the name "mydisk" ok nvunalias mydisk # remove alias ok show-disk # view disk aliases ok .properies # view disk aliases - to navigate device try you can use "cd" and "ls" ========================================== CHAPTER 3 Installation ========================================== Soalris installation media 1- installation CD 2- software 1 3- software 2 4- documentation Platform Edition - Sparc (Scalable Processor ARChitecture) - Intel/x86 Enligsh Edition International Edition: - Multilingual installation CD - Language CD - International documentaion CD Hardware release: contains new drivers ------------------------------------------ Installation options: 1- interactive: GUI 2- Web Start: Java GUI 3- Network: installation server 4- Defualt Jumpstart 5- Custom JumpStart ------------------------------------------ Software - Package: pkginfo: package title+purpose+version+etc.. pkgmap: name+location+size+permission of all files in the package. preinstall: Preinstall script what to install and where <package files> Uninstall script - Cluster: Several related packages, CDE - Group: Core End user Develeoper Entire distrbution Entire distrbution+OEM (Extra drivers) ------------------------------------------ Package admin commands: /var/sadm/install/contents is a file that contains all files installed using package admin commands # pkgadd SUNWdoc # install the package SUNwdoc found in default location "/var/spool/pkg" # pkgadd -n SUNWdoc # "-n" non-interactive # pkgadd -d /tmp SUNWdoc # install the package SUNwdoc found in "/tmp" # pkgadd -d /tmp/SUNWdoc_pkg # install the packages in the file "/tmp/SUNWdoc_pkg" # pkgadd -a file1.txt SUNWdoc # "-a" use file1.txt as adminstrative file it answer all questions of pkgadd # pkgadd -r file2.txt SUNWdoc # "-r" use file2.txt as adminstrative file it answer all questions of the # package install script # pkgadd -s /var/mypackages SUNWdoc # don't install package just copy it to spool # pkginfo # show all isntalled packages # pkginfo SUNWdoc # view package CATEGORY + INSTANCE + NAME # pkginfo -q SUNWdoc # return 0 if package installed, 1 if not (used in scripts) # pkginfo -x SUNWdoc # view package INSTANCE + NAME + VERSION # pkginfo -l SUNWdoc # More detailed report about the package # pkginfo -d /tmp/SUNWdoc_pkg # Show information about UNINSTALLED package # pkgchk SUNWdoc # Check the installation of the package # pkgchk -f SUNWdoc # ... and fix file attribute problems # pkgchk -p /etc/passwd # check file with origrnal package installation # pkgchk -l -p /etc/passwd # ... and view detailed info about it # pkgrm SUNWdoc # Remove installed package # pkgrm -n SUNWdoc # Non-interative # pkgrm -v SUNWdoc # Verbose # pkgrm -A SUNWdoc # Remove shared files # pkgrm -a fiel1.txt SUNWdoc # Remove and use file for answer to questions ------------------------------------------ Patches - Recommened: most be installed to correct OS - Security: inhance system security - Product specific: software or harware specific patch find them at sunsolve.sun.com Soalris8.PatchReport: report for recommened patches Soalris8_Recommended.zip: cluster of all recommened patches Soalris8_Recommended.README: how to install the cluster Patch is a directory that include the following files (e.g. 108528-06): - README.108528-06 - Packages - <installpatch> <backoutpatch> script to install and remove the patch - Other optional files Installing a patch: # /usr/bin/unzip 108528-06.zip or # /usr/bin/zcat 108528-06.tar.Z | tar -xvf - Patch commands # patchadd -p # show all installed patches (same as showrev -p) # patchadd /var/tmp/108528-06 # install the patch # patchadd -d /var/tmp/108528-06 # ... but don't keep a copy of orig files in "/var/sadm/patch" # Patch backout won't work if you did it # patchadd -u /var/tmp/108528-06 # ... replace file without asking (Unconditional replace) # patchadd -B /mybackup/patch /var/tmp/108528-06 # ... orig files goes to "/mybackup/patch" isntead of "/var/sadm/patch" # patchadd -M /var/tmp # install all patches in directory # patchrm 108528-06 # remove patch # patchrm -f 108528-06 # force # patchrm -B /mybackup/patch 108528-06 # use "/mybackup/patch" to get old original files # showrev -p # same as "patchadd -p" # showrev -w # OpenWindows version # showrev -a # All information showrev knows ========================================== CHAPTER 4 Initalization & Shutdown ========================================== Booting Process 1- Boot PROM phase POST (power-on self-test) scan - diagnostic - build device tree banner run boot program 2- Boot programs phase load ufsboot and execute it <ufsboot> load the kernel (installboot used to install new booblock if needed) 3- Kernal phase <genunix> platform-indepedent <unix> platform-depedent kernel use ufsboot to locate and load needed modules kernel files located in either: /platform/ARCH/kernel /platform/ARCH/kernel/sparcv9 (64-bit machines) Modules located: /kernel /usr/kernel /platform/ARCH/kernel /platform/MODEL/kernel kernel read </etc/system> to configure it self 4- init phase /etc/inittab control file for init process (initdefault for default run-level) 0 PROM OpenBoot S or s Single user 1 Single user more file system mounted 2 Multiuser 3 Multiuser with NFS 4 unused 5 Shutdown + poweroff 6 Reboot /sbin/rc# Script /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc#.d/ ------------------------------------------ Changing run levels # init 6 # change init run level # telinit 6 # change init run level # shutdown -i 6 -g 0 -y # message, grace period, confirmation # halt # OpenBoot (No rc scripts run, not good) shutdown -i 0 -g 0 -y # reboot # Reboot (No rc scripts run, not good) shutdown -i 6 -g 0 -y # poweroff # Power Off (No rc scripts run, not good) shutdown -i 5 -g 0 -y ========================================== CHAPTER 5 User Administration ========================================== /var/adm/loginlog if exist log login attempts in file "/etc/default/login" CONSOLE=/dev/console root can login in from console only #CONSOLE=/dev/console root can login from any where CONSOLE= root can NOT login directly in file "/etc/default/su" SULOG=/var/adm/sulog Log all "su" attempts # passwd -s rayed rayed PS # have password rayed LK # locked account rayed NP # No Password in "/etc/default/passwd" MAXWEEKS Maximum time period that password is valid. MINWEEKS Minimum time period before the password can be changed. PASSLENGTH Minimum length of password, in characters. WARNWEEKS Time period until warning of date of password's ensuing expiration. # passwd -r files # Change user info in files # passwd -r nis # ... nis # passwd -r nisplus # ... nisplus ------------------------------------------ # w # who logged in now # w -h # no headers # w -l # long # w -s # short # who # who logged in now # who -b # boot time # who -q # names & # of user logged in now ------------------------------------------ <useradd> syntax -c comment -d dir -e expire -f inactive -g group -G groups, ... # secondary groups -m # create home (-k skel_dir: template of the new home dir) -u uid -o # allow duplicate UID -s shell <usermod> syntax same as plus < -l new_name > # userdel user # userdel -r user # delete user and his home dir ------------------------------------------ # groupadd group # groupadd -g gid group # create new group with ID gid # groupadd -g gid -o group # allow duplicate gid <groupmod> syntax same as plus < -n new_name > # groupdel ========================================== CHAPTER 6 File security ========================================== # grep word * # show file name and line # grep -l word * # show file name only # grep -n word * # show line number where word appear # grep -c word file # show how many line have word # grep -v word file # show lines WITHOUT word # grep -i word file # case insenstive # grep -w word file # search for complete "word" no prefix or suffix ------------------------------------------ # ls -d dir # display the directory not its content # ls -i # print inode # ls -n # show user id and group id as numbers # ls -b # nonprintable as octal \ddd # ls -q # nonprintable as ? # ls -r # revers sorting # ls -tl # sort by modifcation time # ls -R # recursive ------------------------------------------ 04000 setuid 02000 setgid 01000 sticky bit ------------------------------------------ # getfacl [-ad] file -a show acl of file -d show default acl # setfacl -s set new acl deleting old ones -m add new acl s -d delete acl -f file set acl from file # getfacl file1 | setfacl -f - file2 # this will copy acl of file1 to file2 ========================================== CHAPTER 8 File Systems ========================================== # fdformat -v # verify -U # Unmount it first -D # use 740 instead of 1.44 -e # Eject after finish if possiple -f # force -b # label # volcheck -v # find disks # volrmmount -i floppy0 # mount floppy # volrmmount -e floppy0 # UNmount floppy ========================================== CHAPTER 11 Configuring Disks ========================================== rdsk commands newfs, fsck, ufsdump, installboot dsk commands mount ------------------------------------------ # newfs /dev/rdsk/device # create FS on disk # newfs -N /dev/rdsk/device # show FS information ------------------------------------------ After adding new disk to the systems: 1- reboot using "boot -r" then "ok probe-scsi-all" 2- "touch /reconfigure" reboot 3- Use devfsadm # devfsadm -v -c disk # look for new disks -c class # device class to search (disk, tape, port, audio, psedu) -v # print change to /dev /devices -C # cleanp mode -s # don't change /dev or /devices used with -v to see what will cahnge ========================================== CHAPTER 12 Format ========================================== # format -d <disk-name> -f <command-file> # automate formating -l <log-file> -s # suppress normal message ( good with automation with -f ) -m # More detailed messages -M # Diag messages Format menu commands: disk # to select a disk type # define disk type (interface, geom, speed) partition # Partition sub menu print # modify # label # save par table on disk current # show selected disk (pwd for disks :) format # LOW level format repair # repair SPECIFC sector label # write VTOC, save changes (IMPORTANT) analyze # analyze sub menu defect # defect list management backup # restore VTOC from backup verify # show VTOC content save # store current disk specification & partition table to "/etc/format.dat" inquery # show information about the disk volname # give a name to the disk ========================================== CHAPTER 13 Backup & Recovery ========================================== # ufsdump 0uv /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0c6 # dump Slice 6 to tape "/dev/rmt/0" (notice ROW rdsk not dsk) 0 # Level 0 (full backup) u # update (/etc/dumpdates) v # Verfiy f <dump-destnation> # Change default destnation -S # Estimate size in bytes (NO DUMP) # ufsrestore -i # Interactive restore ( cd, ls, add <file>, extract, quit) # ufsrestore -x # full restore (eXtract) # ufsrestore -x /opt/install # restore (eXtract) on file (directory) # ufsrestore -tf <dump-file> # restore from -t # list archive -r # Recursive (used for new file system) -R # Resume (if dump took more than on file) ------------------------------------------ # ls | cpio -oc > arch.backup -o # copy out (create archive) -c # ASCII output (unix compatability) # cpio -itcv *.txt < arch.backup -i # copy in (extract archive) -t # list Table of content of arch -v # "ls -l" output -d # create needed Directories ------------------------------------------ # dd < /floppy.img > /dev/fd0 # dd if=/floppy.img of=/dev/fd0 Useful for cloning disks ------------------------------------------ Step to restore FS ok boot cdrom -s # format # newfs /dev/rdsk/device # mount /dev/rdsk/device /mnt # cd /mnt # ufsrestore rvf /dev/rmt/0 # rm restoresymtable # cd / # umount /mnt # installboot /usr/platform/`uname -a`/lib/fs/ufs/pboot /usr/platform/`uname -a`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/device # fsck /dev/rdsk/deivce # reboot ========================================== CHAPTER 14 ========================================== Nothing ========================================== CHAPTER 15 VI ========================================== ZZ :wq G :$ 18G :18 :1,$ s/worn/another/ :%s/word/another/ cw # change word c$ # change to the end of line cc # change current line ( ) # go to begin or end of sentence { } # go to begin or end of paragraph ? # backword search ========================================== CHAPTER 16 Remote Connection ========================================== # rlogin -l rayed www.rayed.com -8 use 8 bit </etc/host.equiv> host access earth.foo.com # grant +sun.foo.com # grant -mars.foo.com # denie <$HOME/.rhosts> per user access earth.foo.com kevin # grant kevin from earth sun.foo.com # grant me from sun + # grant me from any host + + # grant any one from any where # rsh -n www.rayed.com date # -n (no output; redirect to /dev/null) # rsh -l rayed www.rayed.com date # -l rayed (using rayed as user name) # rcp file host:file # local to remote # rcp host:file file # remote to local # rcp host:file host:file # remote to remote -p # preserve acl -r # recursive FTP </etc/ftpusers> Users in this file CAN NOT use FTP </etc/shells> the user shell most be in this file -T 12 # Timeout -d # debug -g # no regexp on files -i # no interactive ( same as prompt in ftp command line) ========================================== CHAPTER 17 Client Server ========================================== Server Types: 1- Action: Jump Start, Backup 2- Application: Database, StartOffice server 3- Cache-only: cache DNS, HTTP cache server 4- Communication: gateway, router 5- Print 6- Session: NFS server exporting HOME dir 7- X-Server Clients Types: 1- Dataless: / swap Local disk, home NFS 2- Diskful: / swap Remote, home local 3- Diskless: no disk at all ========================================== CHAPTER 18 Network enviroumnet ========================================== OSI TCP/IP ------------------------------------------- Application Application Presentation Application Session Application Transport Transport TCP UDP Network Internet IP ICMP ARP RARP Datalink Network Interface Physical Hardware # cat /etc/hostname.hme0 rayed # # cat /etc/hosts localhost rayed rayed.saudi.net.sa # # cat /etc/netmasks # # cat /etc/defaultrouter Ethernet frame 8 Preamble 6 Destination Address (MAC) 6 Source Address (MAC) 2 Type (IP ICMP ARP RARP) 46-1500 Data 4 CRC (check) ARP commands # arp -a # print ARP table # arp # print MAC for IP # arp -d # delete ARP for IP # arp -s 08:00:20:35:f3:4a # permanently add ARP entry # arp -s 08:00:20:35:f3:4a temp # temporary # arp -s 08:00:20:35:f3:4a pub # publish # arp -f file # load ARP from file Reverse ARP Used to tell a new machine about its IP # /usr/sbin/in.rarpd # cat /etc/ethers 08:00:20:35:f3:4a rayed # cat /etc/hosts rayed Ifconfig /etc/rcS.d/S30network.sh # start the network # ifconfig -a # show all interfaces # ifconfig hme0 # show interface hme0 # ifconfig hme0 netmask up plump up # use this interface plumb # open interface device (if interface not visible to ifconfig) # netstat -i # show interfaces (MTU in out errors collision) Remote Procedure Call (RPC) rpcbind runs on port 111, and it give the port RPC program running on based on RPC program number: # cat /etc/rpc rpcbind 100000 portmap sunrpc rpcbind rstatd 100001 rstat rup perfmeter rusersd 100002 rusers # /etc/rc2.d/S71rpc start # start rpcbind # rpcinfo -p host # show RPC services running on host # rpcinfo -u host srv_name # show RPC service info running on host # rpcinfo -b srvnam 10 # broadcast to check who run srvnam vresion 10 # rpcinfo -d srvnam 10 # Unregister srvnam version 10 ========================================== CHAPTER 19 Syslog ========================================== 1- Syslogd Daemon 2- Syslog() API 3- "logger" command Default log file "/var/adm/messages" Configuration file "/etc/syslog.conf": facility.level[;facility.level] action Facility: user generated from user proccess kern mail daemon System daemons, such as in.ftpd & in.telnetd auth loggin, su, getty lpr news uucp cron cron, at local0-7 Local use mark Internal use only Level: emerg panic alter correct immediately crit error warning notice info debug none Don't send any message for facility Action: /path-to/file file @host remote host user[,user] user (if they logged) * all users # logger "hi there" # add entries to system log -i # log PID -p facility.level # use different priority (default user.notice) -f file # use content of file as log -t "tag" # put a tag on message ========================================== CHAPTER 20 Disk Management ========================================== virtual or logical disk = one or more physical disk /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 Physical disk /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/vol01 Virtual disk /dev/vx/dsk/{volume-group}/{volume-name} VDM virtual disk management LVM Logical volume management Benfits: 1- Concatenation: span on two disks (larger) 2- Stripping: write on 2 disk at same time (larger & faster) 3- Mirroring: write same data in t disk (protection) 4- RAID: - RAID 0 stripping or concatenation (low integrity, no redundancy) - RAID 1 mirroring - RAID 0+1 stripping+mirroring - RAID 5 Solstice DiskSuit (SDS) - metadevices (virtual disks) - /dev/md/dsk/dnn - concatenate, mirror, RAID5, hot-spare - SDS objects: - metadevices - metadevices state database (SDS configuration) - hot-spare pool: a spare disk slice if RAID 5 failure encountered - SDS config files: - /etc/lvm/mddb.cf : (ro) location of state dbs - /etc/lvm/md.tab : used as input for command lines - /etc/lvm/md.cf : (ro) backup copy of local disk set config - /kernel/drv/md.conf : nmd : # of metadevices can supoort md_nsets : # of disk sets - /etc/lvm/mdlodg.cf : SNMP trap generator daemon (mdlogd) - /etc/rcS.d/S35lvm.ini - /etc/rcS.d/S35lvm.sync StorEdge Volume Manager (SEVM) - volume (virtual disk) - less cryptic commands - more powerful GUI - SEVM objects: - VM disk : physical disk or partition - Disk groups - Volume : what application see - Subdisk - Plexes /dev/vx/dsk/{volume-group}/{volume-name} /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/usr - SEVM config files - volboot : boot strap - /etc/rcS.d/S25vmvx-sysboot - /etc/rcS.d/S35vmvx-startup1 - /etc/rcS.d/S45vmvx-startup2 ========================================== CHAPTER 21 Pseudo FS & Swap space ========================================== Pseudo FS ## File /etc/vfstav /proc - /proc proc - no - /proc/ /proc/pid /proc/pid/ctl write only file, control behavior, send signals /proc/pid/status process status, stopped, started! /proc/pid/map Address space map /proc/pid/psinfo infomration displayed by "ps" command /proc/pid/cred process system credentials # swap -s total: 82672k bytes allocated + 76016k reserved = 158688k used, 552600k available Allocated: used by the process Reserved: reserved but not used yet Swap file size should be 0.5 to 1.5 times the physical memory proc file system commands: # cmd pid # by pid # cmd /proc/pid # by pid file # cmd /proc/* # all processes # cmd core-file # core file of process pflags tracing flags pcred show (/proc/pid/cred) pmap show (/proc/pid/map) pldd dynamic lib process use psig signal actions of each process pstack stack trace of function calls pfiles files information process use pwdx Show pwd for the process pstop stop pid prun run pid pwait wait for pid ptree show process tree (parent & child of process) ptime show time he process took (-F) force if other process have control # gcore -o core-file pid # create core file of running process Swap space # swap -s # summary of swap space # swap -l # list all swap areas # swap -a /path/to/swap-file # add swap file to swap space # swap -d /path/to/swap-file # delete swap file from swap space # mkfile 250m /path/to/swap-file # make 250M swap file to add permenantly to system add swap file in /etc/vfstab ## /etc/vfstab /path/to/swap-file - - swap - - - ========================================== CHAPTER 22 NFS ========================================== NFS server /etc/init.d/nfs.server start Files: /etc/dfs/dfstab # resource to share (contains simple share commands) /etc/dfs/sharetab # (ro) shared resource (used by unshareall) /etc/rmtab # (ro) remotly mounted shares Commands: # dfshare # # share # show shared file resources # share -F nfs -o ro -d "My disk" /disk -F nfs # always nfs for nfs shares -o ro # options read only (ro,rw=host1:host2) -d "My disk" # description /disk # resource to share # unshare /mydisk # shareall # share all resource in /etc/dfs/dfstab # unshareall # unshare all sahred reources read from /etc/dfs/sharetab Deamons: mountd # resbonsible of mounting clients nfsd # handling files NFS client files: /etc/vfstab /etc/mnttab Commands: # mount -F nfs -o rw server:/opt/install /local/install -o [rw|ro] # read write | read only -o [bg|fg] # background | foreground (wait until mount?) -o [soft|hard] # soft: return error directly, hard: retry until server resbond -o [intr|noinr] # interrupt: use keyboard to kill hung hard mount process. # showmount -a # show localy mounted shares # showmount -d # show local resourse remotly mounted # showmount -e server # show available shares of server Daemons are started automatically, without any need to start them: statd lockd ========================================== CHAPTER 23 Auto FS ========================================== Benfits: 1- Auto mount 2- Auto UNmount 3- Use name service for managability 4- Redunduncy can be used Started by /etc/init.d/autofs Components: 1- automount command : create AutoFS systems and die 2- AutoFS file system : catch request to automountED FS and forward them to "automountd" 3- automountd daemon : handle request from AutoFS AutoFS maps: # automount -v # Reread autoFS maps # automount -t 600 # auto unmount after 600 seconds Indirect Maps (no speical file name) No need to start AutoFS ## /etc/myauto.indirect.home rayed -soft server1:/home/rayed hany server1:/home/hany jubbar server2:/home/jubbara server1:/home/jubbara # Fault tolerance Direct Maps (no speical file name) ## /etc/myauto.direct /usr/share/man server1:/usr/share/man /etc/auto_master this file doesn't have locations of remote resource, it only refers to other maps ## /etc/auto_master +auto_master # include auto_master from NIS /etc/common_auto_master # include a file /net -hosts # special map /xfn -xfn # speical map /home /etc/myauto.home -ro # indirect map /- /etc/myauto.direct # direct map ========================================== CHAPTER 24 Cache FS ========================================== # cfsadmin -c /cache # create a cache dir # cfsadmin -l /cache # list FS stored in cache dir # cfsadmin -d cache_Id cache_dir # remove FS from cache dir # cfsadmin -d all cache_dir # remove all FS from cache_dir # cfsadmin -s mount-point # consitancey check on mounted cache FS # cfsadmin -s all # consitancey check on all cache FS # cfsadmin -u -o maxfiles=50 /cache # update settings of chase dir # cachefsstat mount-point # view hit ratio & consistency checks # cachefsstat -z mount-point # reset counters # cachefslog -f log-file mount-point # enable logging # cachefslog -h # disable logging # cachefswssize cache-log-file # view log file Mounting Cache FS # mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/cache server1:/usr/local /usr/local -F cachefs # FS type = cachefs -o backfstype=nfs # back FS -o cachedir=/cache # cache dir -o backpath=/cdrom # If back FS is already mountd -o demandconst # Don't perform consistency check periodicly # consistency check by "cfsadmin -s" -o ro # Read Only Mounting CD-ROM # mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=hsfs,cachedir=/cache,backpath=/cdrom,ro \ /dev/cdrom /localcdrom Mounting from /etc/vfstav put cache dir in "device to fsck" field, and no need for it in options #device device mount FS fsck mount mount #to mount to fsck point type pass at boot options # srv1:/opt /cache-dir /opt cachefs 2 yes backfstype=nfs # cachefsstat /opt /opt cache-hit-rate: 88% (33 hits, 6 misses) consistency checks: 3 (2 pass, 1 fail) modifies: 0 CacheFS check # fsck -F cachefs /cache-dir ========================================== CHAPTER 25 Naming Service ========================================== Benfits: - Centralized adminstration - Consistency - Prevent signle point of failure - immediate update Supported Name Services: - DNS - NIS - NIS+ - LDAP DNS files - /etc/nsswitch.conf - /etc/resolv.conf - /etc/named.conf - named.ca : refernce DNS root servers - named.local : localhost zone - domainname - domainname.rev NIS+ - built-in authentication - store security, mail, printers - dynamic namespace - heirarchicl namespace - distrbuted adminstration - Objects: - Entry - Directory : divide NIS+ namespace - Table : same as NIS maps (contain Entry objects) - Group : NIS+ admistration groups (refer to cred table) - Link : pointers to other objects Which Name Service to Use? files small LAN DNS Internet, large LAN, WAN NIS LAN NIS+ multiple LAN LDAP LAN, WAN # cat /etc/nsswitch.conf hosts: files dns hosts: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files - if not found in NIS stop - if no NIS, try files Status Code - SUCCESS : defualt action "return" - UNAVAIL : "continue" - NOTFOUND: "continue" - TRYAGAIN: "continut" Status Code Action: - continue : try next name service - return : don't try next name service ========================================== CHAPTER 26 NIS ========================================== Setting a Host Domain Name - # domainname saudinet ## command to set domain - To store the domain name put it in /etc/defaultdomain NIS Maps - /var/yp/domain-name is used to store information databses (maps) - converted from ASCII store NDBM format - map.sortkey.pag : data - map.sortkey.dat : index - e.g. hosts map hosts.byadd.dir address is the key hosts.byadd.pag hosts.byname.dir name is the key hosts.byname.pag - "makedbm ascii dbm" convert ascii to dbm - "makedbm -u dbm > ascii" convert dbm to ascii NIS Master - configure the "domain name" - process - ypbind Name service binding process - ypserv Server process to look up info in maps - ypxfer Transfer maps to Slave - rpc.yppasswdd passwd changing daemon - rpc.ypupdated update info in NIS ... ? - setup - add slaves to "/etc/hosts" - "cd /var/yp" - "ypinit -m" it will ask about slaves - change "/etc/nsswitch.conf" - /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart to start NIS - /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop to stop NIS NIS Slave - process - ypbind - ypserv - setup - set up as client - put master in "/etc/hosts" - "ypinit -s master" NIS Client - process - ypbind - setup - configure domain name - change /etc/nsswitch.conf to use NIS - broadcast: "mkdir /var/yp/binding/domain-name ; ypbind -broadcast" - Server list: "ypinit -c" will ask about server list # ypbind -broadcast # set up NIS client using broadcast # must run "mkdir /var/yp/binding/domain-name" # first # ypinit -c # set up NIS client, it will ask about NIS servers # ypinit -m # set up NIS Master # ypinit -s master-serv # set up NIS Slave, using master-serv # yppush auto_direct # manually push a map to slaves (usually found in # Makefile) # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstart # start the NIS (client, master, slave) # /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop # ypcat passwd # view map data # ypcat -x # view maps nickname # ypmach -k rayed passwd # find entry in map # getent passwd rayed # based on "/etc/nsswitch.conf" # ypwhich passwd # who is the master of map ========================================== CHAPTER 27 Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) ========================================== ========================================== CHAPTER 28 Solaris Managment Console (SMS) & Solstice AdminSuite ========================================== ========================================== CHAPTER 29 JumpStart ==========================================