Free RHCE practice test
This is a practice exam for RedHat RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer Program)
My results so far: 50%, 70%, 80%, 70%, …
Blogger Bookmarklet
A nice feature from Blogger called bookmaklet, it is a simple link that you drag-and-drop it on your browser link bar, to allow you write a new blog entry related to the current web site you are browsing. Cool!
Blogger Bookmarklet
Clam AntiVirus and amavisd
After installing amavisd you need to edit the confiuration file to change some of the settings:# vi /usr/local/etc/amavisd.conf
$mydomain = '';
$final_spam_destiny = D_PASS;
You also need to enable clamav section, then restart:# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ restart
To allow amavisd-new to work with clamav you need to run clamav using the same user:# vi /usr/local/etc/clamav.conf
... change user to:
User vscan
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ restart
Spamassassin is easy
I was planning to install spamassassin+amavisd+clamav on our mail server for a long time, but every time I try to do it, I quit after few tries.
But finally I got it, and it isn’t that hard at all, although I don’t understand everything yet, but it seems easy. Hopefully I’ll add some configuration hints for FreeBSD of course.
- Spamassassin is SPAM mail detection software, it became the de facto standard in SPAM fighting.
- ClamAV is an opensource antivirus program.
- amavisd-new is a high-performance interface between mailer (MTA) and content checkers: virus scanners, and/or SpamAssassin.
BBCArabic RSS newsfeed
Finnaly I can remove my old BBC parsing script and replace it with RSS feed.
Arabic BBC RSS
I also found (from BBC links) a nice software for reading RSS called SharpReader, I didn’t try it but it looks cool!
Al Arabiya news channel web site
Nice! Very clean and works well with Mozilla browser.
Remove Spyware from your Window machine
If you use MS Internet Explorer and you have one of the following:
Then you diffently need to install Lavasoft AD-Aware, and remove all the ad, and spywares.
Just try it.
Car accident update
I went to the traffic department to follow-up on my car accident report, I was told that the guy who hit me came and gave them his insurance -which won’t help since he escaped-, and they told me to go Car dealer (Al Hamza, Sheikh Almared) to get an estimate for the car repair.
After search for 20 minutes for the car dealer shop -the shop didn’t have a banner!!- I found it and they ask for 30 Riyals for the car estimate, they send me back to the Traffic department with a sealed envelope with the repair estimate, which was 1700 riyals.
The traffic department now will contact the guy to get the money from him, it could take months as they said!
Any way I’ll wait and see how our judicial system work.
My car crashed by drunk driver
On my way to my parents home to help my sister with her math exam a drunk driver (I think) hit my car and escaped! I stopped him, and called the cups, they told me to get his car plate and leave him.
My friends told me that I am not going to get any money to repair my car from him, but I’ll try my best with the traffic department to catch him.