Add Alriyadh newspaper headlines to your website
Alriyadh newspaper UNOFFICALY releasing new service that allow you to add headlines into yuor website, it very simple to include, for example if you are interstead in putting “Internet & Communication” into your website put this code into your website:
<iframe style="width:400px; height:30px; border:0px;" src="">
It will show into your website like this:
Of course you can change the section by replacing the file name:
- Local News: - International News: - Columns: - Clinic: - Art & Culture: - Light News: - Economy: - Sport:
Playing with Flickr API
Flickr has really amazing web service API, they support many transports REST, SOAP, and XML-RPC. I had some idea about SOAP, and XML-RPC, and never worked with REST, it turned out as the best and the simplest one of them.
All you need is API KEY which is a key you use every time you call a function, it is used by Flickr for statistics, you can get it from here Get a key, it is only one form, and you will get the key instantly.
PHP Accelerator is awesome
I have a server with PHPAdsNew installed serving around 20 requests per second serving a really busy web site.
Few days ago the admins for that website doubled the number of ads per page, and the server stopped responding most of the day 🙁
I installed PHP Accelerator to make it faster to serve the those ads, but it didn’t help that much, I tried every trick I know to maximize MySQL performance (although it didn’t have any load in the first place) nothing worked.
Building a search engine
Currently I am working on a search engine for a large website, the search engine is based on PHP+MySQL.
You may wonder why not use LIKE in SQL for searching! Of course LIKE will work with few documents, but how about tens of thousand of documents it would be very slow, since the DBMS would have top scan all reconrds one by one in your database to find the word you are looking for.
Car accident update
I got my money back!!
The guy who crashed my car came to the traffic department and paid the money 🙂
It has been 8 month since the accident I never thought I’ll get anything from it.
Alhamdou Lelah
Original Posting
I got my Canon digital camera back
Finally after two months with the Quershi service center I got my Canon digital camera back.
I tried to call them for the past couple of weeks and no one answers, so I had to go to the shop my self, and surprise! Surprise! the shop is closed they moved to another location, so I went to the new location and took my camera, I wonder why they didn’t call me to tell me that the camera is ready.
BTW, they took 235 to fix the dark LCD screen for the camera, they said there were an oil on the LCD which ruined it!!! and it isn’t covered by the warranty.
I hope I’ll live until I see real warranty in Saudi Arabia, they always says it isn’t covered by the warranty !
Weve just implemented transparent proxy
Now you can use SAUDI NET EasyNet without any proxy settings, we knew that transparent HTTP works fine for a long time, unfortunately we didn’t know that transparent HTTPS could work too, this is why we waited until this time when we saw one of the ISP implemented it 🙁
Any way it is working fine now, so if you want to use SAUDI NET EasyNet just:
- Call
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