Cat in a microwave
This a very disturbing story, I don’t recommend reading it at all, or at least don’t try to visualize the story.
A family left their 3 kids, oldest is 8, at home with the family maid, they were playing in the garden with a small kitten they have, while playing it rained and the kitten got wet, so the kids thought they need to dry her, so they put her in the microwave and they clicked random numbers and started cooking the poor kitten, after few minutes the microwave exploded and the kitten internal part shattered all over the kitchen.
My JVC Everio camcorder

I wrote a while back about JVC camcorder with hard disk, I bought this camera to shoot my baby life 🙂
I thought I would write small review about it, so here is the good and the bad.
The good:
- Easy to use.
- No tapes to buy, to take on trips, to exchange, just take the shoot.
- No over writing other clips by mistake.
The bad:
- Less than average video quality.
- I have an old notebook with USB1, moving clips from the camcorder to notebook takes very very long time. vs Slashdot
If you like SlashDot the technical news site, you will love Digg.
My first impression of digg is that Digg has more links, and less discussion.
The major advantage about Digg is that stories are picked by users not by ad editor, which makes it self maintained site! check Digg FAQ.
There is even a dedicated website to compare Digg to Slashdot, and give score to based on how fast they post a news, so far the result Digg 24, Slashdot 14: usability improvements added multiple usability improvements to comment posting form:
- To prevent duplicate posting, the submit button is disabled after the first click.
- The user name and email is now remembered, so next time it will be auto filled.
- Focus is set to the first empty field in the form.
- Client IP is now recorded to detect fake posting, some users sends multiple posts with different, this will help to detect them.
PostgreSQL included in Solaris 10
Sun microsystem will include PostgreSQL open source database with every copy of Solaris 10, with 24/7 support also 🙂
SAUDI NET DSL feedback
It is thrilling to see these words: one man show!
Everyday at 11pm, team start working on the next day issue, the job involve copying all contents from the printed version to the content management system, the process involve 2 to 3 team members, and takes about 4-5 hours to complete.
But last Thursday was a special case, due to a planned vacation for one team member, and family issues for another member, Faisal Alenzi was the only guy working that night and he carried the whole show and published the whole issue on time by him self.
Abdullah Alrashed
My friends at Alriyadh Newspaper published my son news on todays issue:
Abdullah Alrashed
Thank you guys 🙂
PostgreSQL and PHP (on Windows)
After installing PostgreSQL (15 minutes job), and playing with pgAdminIII, I decided to try it with PHP.
PostgreSQL on windows
Last weekend I decided to try PostgreSQL on Windows, I download PostgreSQL 8.1 installation file from PostgreSQL website, it was 22Mg zip file.
I also downloaded the 12 Mg manual, which contains everything about Postgres.
The installation is straight forward, simple wizard with some clicks and everything is installed and Postgres is running.
Postgres comes with two clients:
- psql: CLI (command line) client.
- pgAdminIII: graphical client.
pgAdmin (see the screen shot) looks amazing and gives you access to all parts of the database, and you can connect to multiple databases. I got intimidated at first when I saw all the options in pgAdminIII but after looking carefully at them it isn’t that scary 🙂