WordPress 2
WordPress the blogging software that runs my site released version 2.
A lot of new features, the admin interface is complete changed with many new enhancements, they also added WYSIWYG editor, and easier file upload.
Refresh firefox, and make it faster
Today I tried to install LiveHTTPHeaders extension and I had to kill FireFox in the middle of installation process, so I ended up with half installed extension, I tried to install it again to find out two copies of the same extension one working the other just showing in the list without being able to do anything with it.
Then I decided to remove manually, to find out 340M temporary files in the profile directory, so I decided to replace the complete profile, and create new one again.
SAUDI NET DSL without proxy
We’ve just launched transparent proxy solution on our DSL service, since I don’t have DSL at home I can’t test it yet 🙁
But if you do and have problems please let me know.
Yet another Ad :(
www.alriyadh.com added a new advertising banner to all pages, they now show 6 ads in a single page, I am not sure what they are thinking why don’t they increase the prices, and put fewer ads. I hate it.
Writing Arabic emails under Thunderbird
Thunderbird is my favourite email client, I really love it.
The only problem I face is when writing an Arabic email, the problem is with changed the direction of text from “Left to Right” (ltr) to “Right to Left” (rtl).
- From the toolbar change the text alignment to the right.
- Double click on the line.
- The “Advanced Property Editor” will popup, it will allow you to add any custom attribute to the current section.
- In “Attribute” add “dir”, and in the “Value” add “rtl”.
I am sure we will have some short cut in the future, I know there is an extension for supporting “Right to Left” but I guess it is old, and I personally prefer built in support.
Exposé for Firefox

Cleaning up readers comments
When reading alriyadh.com readers comments, I found many readers using bad practices when posting comments for example:
- Repeating one character many times, e.g. “……”, “!!!!!”, “?????”, etc..
- Using empty lines
- Using Kasheda to format Arabic strings.
- Using more than one space between words.
- Misspelling “لكن”
So I wrote a filter to remove all these practices.
What do you think? good or bad idea, please tell me what do you think.
Firefox 1.5 released
with auto update, i.e. you don’t have to reinstall it every time a new version released, it will update it self with small download.
Plus it means the browser will be always secure.
P.S. Firefox 1.5 is 5 Mb download.
I love Thursday mornings
The best time of the week by far is Thursday morning, I usually wake up around 8 am, even when I stay late the night before it, I go out for breakfast at any place quite.
Today I went to MyPie restaurant in Olaya, it is a small restaurant that serve Pies of course and sandwiches. I usually take Labna with Tomato, and Meat pies, but today I tried the lever sandwich (very popular in Saudi), and Shakshokah (Scrambled eggs with tomato and onion).