Google AdSense on my blog
I signed up with Google AdSense, and you can find Google Ads in sidebar, I am still learning about the AdDense program.
But basically it allow content providers (i.e. owner of Internet websites) to earn money by displaying google ads, and each time a person click on an add it add more credit to him.
To learn more here are some links from Wikipedia links:
BBS News script no longer work
Long time ago I built a PHP script that fetch and parse Arabic BBC news and format them in Javscript format, this can be used by adding few HTML code in your website.
The script located at:
I stopped the script more than 5 years ago, but until now I found many entries in my log asking for that file, so I decide to take an action, I put the file back but I put a warning message to notify the user that the script is no longer working.
Alexa Ranking imporvment
My ranking from:
In less than 10 days.
UPDATE: My ranking jumped to 629,132, I am starting to enjoy this 😉
UPDATE: Day 17 my ranking is now 473,585.
UPDATE: Day 20 my ranking is now 388,412.
UPDATE: Day 23 my ranking is now 360,154, I guess it starting to slow down.
UPDATE: Day 28 my ranking is now 322,116.
Firefox upgrade
Few days ago while browsing my favourite websites, a pop-up showed asking me to install Firefox … WOW, I didn’t have to re-download 4.5MB for Firefox again, this really nice feature.
It also appears to me that the new version much better than the old one, at least in memory consumption, I like it.
Cheese Steak @ Subway
Everyone who know me knows that I love Subway subs, but recently I switched to Quiznos mainly because they toast the sandwiches, yummy my mouth start watering 🙂
But two days ago I got tired from Quiznos so I went back to Subway and I tried the “Cheese Steak”, oh my god, it is really delicious!
The worst thing about Subway that you need to know which topping and sauce is good with what, and of course if you get something wrong it could ruin your sandwich.
Alriyadh a record number of comments
It is still 10:54 pm and until now we have around 1200 comments:
- 923 Viewed.
- 65 Pending.
- 207 Rejected.
and I complain when I get 3 spam messages.
الله يعينكم والله eBooks introduced new service called “Alriyadh eBook”, basically they collected articles of selected writers and group them in one downloadable PDF file.
We used to get hundreds of request for some writers, specaially “فهد عامر الأحمد” who write very informative and in the same time amusing articles.
Trying to improving my Alexa ranking
I really hate Alexa, and I never trust their ranking method, you must install their toolbar to get counted but I never saw any one using their toolbar, but unfortunately it is the only was to measure website popularity.
Any way I am going to use A9 toolbar (which is part of Amazon, who in turn own Alexa), and I added Alexa Badge in the bottom of my page to see how this will affect my website ranking.
Faster Dialup Service
SAUDI NET is testing new dialup service, the new service uses PPP compression to give faster links, the difference is noticeable espically with HTML pages. Of course images and binary files get less compression which mean you won’t notice a big difference with them.
The service is tested with SAUDI NET prepaid service only (Phone: 3604567), if tests went ok we deploy it on SAUDI NET EasyNet (Phone: 3660077).
Improvemnt of performance depeneds on your browsing behaviour, but 25% is the average increase. So if you connect using 45K you will really get 56K, and if you connect with 52K speed you will get 65K.