Genius, my favorite mouse
A while ago I bought an “Orange” mouse for my parents home, I bought it based on a recommendation from a sales man at “echo” electronic store. I thought optical mouses reached apoint where all mouses are the same, I was wrong. “orange” mouse was very stupid, jumping all the time and it drove my crazy.
So when I went to computer complex at Olaya to buy my DSL modem, I decided to buy a mouse for my parents computer, and since I have a good Genius mouse I bought another Genuis mouse for 20SR (Ibought mine for 30SR 3 years ago), and what a difference between the two. Genuis mouse was very wasy moving and no jumping all over the screen, I loved it.
DSL access at last :)
After three months delay from the inital plan I finally got DSL access.
My friend Abdulaziz Alqudhibi offered me NetGear DSL Modem/Router/Access point for really great price but it will take two days to install, but I couldn’t wait so I went to the market and bought a SpeedTouch 585, I hope I won’t regret it
الحليفة، مزرعة في وادي
تقع المزرعة بالقرب من مدينتي “اثيثية” و “مرات”، والمزرعة موجودة داخل احد الاودية، ويحدها من الغرب سد الحليفة.
ارجوا ان تستمع بالصور مثلما استمعت انا بزيارتها.
New theme PaintedDesert
Today my friend Feras Al-Jumah sent me a link to a WordPress theme called PaintedDesert. I liked it so much that I installed it on my blog, hope everybody like it.
Thanks Feras for the link.
Alexa experiment end
Today I’ll end my Alexa experiment. During the last 60 days I tried to improve my Alexa ranking, my ranking jumped from 1,603,040 to 133,430.
Today I removed Alexa ranking banner in my website footer, and I’ll remove all A9 toolbar extension from Firefox, it is occupying 20,000 pixels from my screen and I rarely use it.
PHP output compression
PHP 4.0.5 and above added new feature to compress your PHP pages on the fly, all you need is the zlib extension, this how I configured it.
# vi /usr/local/etc/php.ini
zlib.output_compression = On
# apachectl graceful front page size dropped from 20.5 K to 5.6 K, according to my tests almost 50% of browser don’t support compression, IE for instance turn off gzip compression support if you have bad firewalls (Zone Alarm), and even some IE extensions (specially ad wares) turn off the compression.
Caching: memcached vs MySQL
Several month ago I researched caching methods to use with, it was essential because we used old and slow hardware.
The result of my test showed that MySQL based caching was superior to memcached caching.
I did a new benchmark comparing MySQL, PHP memcache extension, and PHP memcache class.
The text is done by fetching the result of a complex query 1000 times, and calculated the time it took using my bechmark library (link dead!), times in seconds:
I got Google Analytics Invitation
WikiPedia definition:
Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website.
I’ve just received my Google Analytics Invitation, so I subscribed to the free service. Of course no interesting reports until now, but I’ll keep you updated when I got anything interesting.
Saudi credit cards are useless
It cost 150SR per year and I never use it in the Kingdom, even abroad I use for reservation only, because the last time I used it to pay for my hotel stay I couldn’t get approval for a rented car because the hotel held more money than the cost of my room, and my credit card limit was reached, so I had to pay double in cash 🙁
To make thing worse, I tried to purchase a product from the Internet using my credit card and they refused to process my credit card most likely because it is Saudi card.
1000 Mabrook Eyad
My brother Eyad graduated from Aman University.
1000 Mabrook Eyad
Sorry for the photo bad quality, I took it using my phone from the TV.