Wanted!! Cholula hot sauce
Few months ago I went to Fuddruckers restaurant, and I ordered grilled chicken salad, I am not a salad guy and the salad tasted bit plane, so I went to the sauce bar and took the most exotic looking sauce, I grabber Cholula hot sauce with its distinct large round wooden cap and tried it with my salad, the flavor was amazing. I even took a picture of the sauce trying to find it in local stores.
Moved to a new server
rayed.com to new server with upgraded softwares:
FreeBSD 6.2
Apache 2
Linux vs FreeBSD kernel rebuild
For the past couple of week, I am trying to refresh my Linux skills, I abandoned Linux as the server platform of choice in favor of FreeBSD, but recently unfortunately FreeBSD isn’t supported as Linux, and sometimes Linux have this weired feature that isn’t available in FreeBSD, e.g. DRDB.
I am big FreeBSD fan, and I loved it even more when I worked with Linux, Ubuntu, the Linux distribution I use, is really impressive as a desktop OS, but if you want to hack the system, and play with its internal it doesn’t give much room, and this the exact reason I switched from Windows to Linux 10 years ago.
Fly Sama

Two weeks ago I visited Jeddah city for the first time since 1990, yes 17 years since my last visit!
I made my flight reservation on Saudi Airlines, and the only return flight I found was on Friday 7am, and since the flight is so early it will ruin my Thursday too, I decided to try the new economical air lines, Sama or Nas.
I visited the two sites, and I made my decision on how good the website was.
Shrinking Vista Partion (to install Ubuntu :))
Control Panel -> System and Maintenance -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management
Chose Storage. Then chose Disk Management. And now you can play with the partition sizes.
Abdullah Aldosari left SAUDI NET
After spending 6 years at SAUDI NET, Abdullah Aldosari has left us and joined Mobily.
Abdullah was our system architect, with large arsenal of skills talents, we have working very tightly all these years. SAUDI NET sure lost a very valuable team member.
Abdullah it has been a pleasure and honor to work with you.
Alriyadh.com converted to CSS based design
Warning: It is the same design converted to CSS.
After 5 weeks of development and testing, Alriyadh.com is now converted to CSS based design, it still not 100% complete.
You can view the design by using this URL:
Some benefits of moving to CSS:
- Fonts look the same a cross browsers: I am using Yahoo! User Interface Library fonts file to guarantee that font have the same size a cross browsers.
- Page are bit smaller: because many presentation tags are now removed from the HMTL and put in the CSS.
- Printer friendly by default: we now have have separate CSS file for printing, so no need for printer friendly page since all page are automatically are.
- PDA friendly by default: same as printer CSS, not implemented yet.
- Rendering is faster.
- It will simplify future redesign. (since we are talking about redesign, suggestion are welcomed 🙂 )
Muntaqa the best of Arabic email groups
Today me and Abdullah launched Muntaqa.
Muntaqa is a website that collect large number of email groups, e.g. AbuNawaf, and displays them in a single page, people can vote, bookmark, and comment on all emails.
In the front page you will get the most popular emails, so you want miss any interesting emails in the Arabic web sphere 🙂
Muntaqa works like Digg, but instead of submitting websites, we automatically submit emails from email groups. A big population of computer users in Arab world (at least in Saudi Arabia) still consider the emails as the only form of publishing in the Internet.
IE6 in Ubuntu
Ubuntu Linux is really easy OS with many interesting features, one of the best sites to help you with your Ubuntu experince is Ubuntu Guide, the site has many useful tips on how to do thing in Ubuntu.
One of the tips is how to install Internet Explorer under Ubuntu, I saw Fahad AlShenaifi do it, he is our Ubuntu expert since he is using it exclusively for the past year or so.
CentOS the free RedHat, Version 5.0 released
CentOS is a freely available Linux distribution which is based on Red Hat’s commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) product. This rebuild project strives to be 100% binary compatible with the upstream product, and within its mainline and updates, to not vary from that goal. Additional software archives hold later versions of such packages, along with other Free and Open Source Software RPM based packagings. CentOS stands for Community ENTerprise Operating System.