My Hong Kong tips
Two separate friends are visiting Hong Kong soon, they asked for tips about Hong Kong this it what I remembered, hope others find it useful.
Overall Hong Kong is very beautiful and modern city, hotel prices are bit high (with the weak dollar everything is), transportation is very good and efficient, the food is good and you can find Halal food in many places but you have to ask for.
وداعاً امي منيرة
انتقلت إلى رحمة الله جدتي الغالية “منيرة بنت عبد العزيز الزامل”، توفيت يوم أمس قرابة الساعة العاشرة والنصف صباحاً عن عمر يناهز 87 لتلحق بجدي “عبد الرحمن بن عبد العزيز الراشد” رحمة الله عليه بعد 58 سنة، قضت معظمها رحمة الله عليها في تربية أطفالها الستة ثم العناية بأمها رحمة الله عليهما.
جزاك الله ألف خير، وغفر لك، وأنزلك الفردوس الأعلى يا رب.
لا تنسوها بدعائكم auto completion made easy
I was not a big fan of JavaScript, until new cool technologies emerged that utilize JavaScript in really useful ways, the most impressive of course would be AJAX related functionality.
AJAX is really easy to use, put some features are hard to implement which lead to JavaScript libraries emerging every where, the most popular are:
I’ve played with Yahoo! UI it was really powerful and have many features, but it was getting complicated by time, the last time I tried to implement auto complete feature it took me a whole day 🙁
Moving email to GMail
I am moving all my emails (except work email) to one single email using my own domain (myname at mydomain), and I am going to use Google Apps service, basically I am getting GMail for my own domain, I even have my own start page and tons of applications.
The provided storage is unbeatable, and after Google provided IMAP service, it is really tempting.
So guys if you want to contact me please do at myname at mydomain.
ماهو ارخص سوبر ماركت في الرياض؟
أمانة مدينة الرياض طورت برنامج لقياس تنافسية محلات بيع السلع الاستهلاكية، البرنامج يقارن اسعار مجموعة من السلع الاستهلاكية بين مجموعة محلات.
نشر المؤشر وزيارته الدورية يساعد على زيادة المنافسة بين المحلات مما يفيد المستهلك، اللي يبدو انها صاير ملطشة هذي الايام 🙁
Learning Drupal

Every Eid vacation I end up with an extra free time, I usually use it to learn new stuff, the latest vacation I decided to learn Drupal. Drupal is a Content management system (CMS), it is basically a software to help you manage your content.
Drupal is a modular and customizable CMS, you can use it to build different types of web sites, a Blog, company or organization web site, community website, you name it.
The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns.