nginx [Engine X] enters webserver top 5
nginx [Engine X] became the world 4th most popular web server, according to the latest Netcraft survey.
It is an event based web server, which makes really scalable especially for static files, so if you are serving many images, audio files, video, you might consider it.
It can also configured to work as HTTP and mail proxy.
Of course you should look also at Lighttpd [Lighty] which work with the same principle, and I have been using it for around 2 years for
Al Madina newspaper uses drupal
It seems that Al Madina daily newspaper is using drupal fro their newspaper website, really nice.
FreeBSD has an offical forum
FreeBSD my favorite OS, has an official web based discussion forum:
Congratulations, an good job.
It seems to me FreeBSD is getting easier everyday.
في وطني كن مهايطيا ولا تكن مبدعا
مقال يلخص احد اهم مشاكلنا في هذا الوطن:
في وطني كن مهايطيا ولا تكن مبدعا
احمد، جزاك الله خير، دائماً ما يثلج صدري بمقالتك.
How many IPs do we have left?
Only 14% of IP addresses are left, which is estimated to be used in 811 days which is around 2 years!!
Does that mean the Internet as we know it will stop growing? yes exactly, if we ran out of IP addresses you can not connect your new game console, phone, notebook, etc... to the Internet.Scientists has found many solutions to delay this problem, including “classless network”, and NAT, which allowed us to use the IP address space more efficiently.
Drupal wins 2008 Best Open Source CMS
Drupal wins 2008 Best Open Source CMS from Packt Publishing
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Wikipedia switch its infrastructure from RedHat to Ubuntu
It is a bit of old news but thought I would share in case you missed it.
Basically Wikipedia is switching 400 server from Redhat and Fedora mix to Ubuntu server.
Check the details in ComputerWorld article