Ericsson 500Mbps DSL
Ericsson has successfully demonstrated data-transfer speeds of more than 500 megabits per second over copper, the communications company said Monday.
The data-transfer rates were achieved using a version of digital subscriber line (DSL) technology called “vectorized” VDSL2, Ericsson said in a statement. The technology, also called “crosstalk cancellation,” provides the high transmission rates through a twisted pair of copper cables by reducing the noise coming from other pairs in the same cable bundle. VDSL2 has traditionally offered speeds of around 100Mbps.
موقع قيم النسخة الثانية
يوم امس دعاني جهاد العمار الى مؤتمر صحفي نظمة حول اطلاق النسخة الجديدة من موقع قيم، 50% من المؤتمر كان حول التطويرات الجديدة في الموقع والتي من اهمها اضافة خاصية الخرائط، فعلا رائعة!!! وكذلك اعلى مستخدمين (ترتيبي كان قليل 🙁 )
ما اثار اهتمامي اكثر هو الحضور، كان كثير ورائع، كمية الحماس والطاقة الموجودة كانت رائعة. لازم ابداء احضر مثل هذه الاجتماعات.
15 Inspiring Bruce Lee Quotes
My favorite:
- Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory
- Simplicity is the key to brilliance
- A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at
- If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done
Complete 15 @
PHP development enviroument, what do you use?
I must confess, I still use HTML-kit for PHP development, the only reason I use it for direct FTP editing, I know I should be ashamed of my self 🙁
The last couple of months I started to look at Subversion version control system, as a secure and professional way to edit your code, so I started shopping for new PHP IDE.
My requirements are:
- Support Arabic
- Support UTF-8
- Support Subversion
So what do you use for PHP development? and what feature is a must?
تذكير ورشة عمل IPv6 غداً الأحد
اذا كان لك اهتمام بالانترنت، والشبكات فيجب ان تحضر. هناك أكثر من عرض يجب على الجميع حضورها.
المكان فندق الشيراتون الرياض، نلقاكم هناك.
12% to the end of the Internet
Mr. Latif Ladid, the president of IPv6 Forum, left a comment on a previous post on my blog with the latest update on IPv4 exhaustion, only 12% of IPv4 address are left, that is 2% in less than 3 months, the new estimate is 769 days.
This this insightful comment:
The IP address space is down to just 12% with 534 M IP addresses or 32 blocks left. see One of the most obvious and easily quantifiable incentives of the move to IPv6 is the growth and the continuity of the Internet and then the run to the bank for the remaining address space as it will be needed to have a secure dual stack transition which is the most secure transition and will be unfortunately the rich man’s transition. All others will tunnel which is not secure making it the poor man’s transition. Even the transition will aggravate the digital divide between the haves and have-nots in terms of security. The IPv6 Forum knew this problem 10 years ago and pushed ISPs to move earlier to manage a secure transition, but it takes patience and passion to make this happen.