The joy of bookstores
Whenever I visit a bookstore abroad I get really high from all the books and magazine I see, all types of books with shiny colorful covers, covering all subject serious and silly for all range of ages from childhood to 100, all types of people browsing or even sitting on the floor reading their book flavor of the day. Really get my heart exploding from joy, all I need is more time and money to browse through all of these books and share all the knowledge from reading with all people i love, what a feeling!!
Unfortunately this joy soon disappear with the realization that I came with my family for a few days vacation that soon will end, in fact my return back trip is tomorrow.
What change this joy to sadness is the fact that these experiences can not be felt again for the next year if I am lucky.
Bookstore in Riyadh are merely stationary and electronics stores, and although books cover large portion of the store, they are mostly outdated with no relevance to anyone with interest on reading.
Why do our bookstore are in this state? Is it because most of Saudis can not read English? Or because we have the tendency to hate anything cultural.
The Internet Revealed & What is Internet Exchange?
A short film about about how the Internet work, and what is an Internet Exchange, and why it is very important.
Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia doesn’t have a functioning Internet Exchange yet!!
Thank you Nasser for the video.
MENOG 6 in Riyadh
The Middle East Network Operators Group (MENOG) announced that 6th version of the meeting will take place in Riyadh from 10 to 14 of April 2010.
MENOG is a regional forum offering network engineers and other technical staff the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences, and identify areas for regional cooperation.
MENOG 6 will be include:
- Workshop 10-12 April
- Tutorials 13 April (morning)
- Conference 13 April (afternoon) and 14 April
If you are in the business of Internet operation, or have any interest in Internet at all, don’t miss the opportunity to attend.
Google best Ad ever
This the first time Google seems human, it can be really romantic movie to 🙂
Youtube Page
Error when updating Ubuntu
Lately I migrated all of my server to Ubuntu server, what I really loved about it the easy of updating the system, all I need to is:
$ sudo aptitude update # to update packages meta data
$ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade # to perform the actual upgrade
But sometimes on of the package information meta data files get corrupted, and I will get this error:
$ sudo aptitude update
W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: hardy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <>
اخيراً مقاييس لافياش الكهرب في المملكة
واخيراً وبعد 25 عام من اصدار المواصفات لافياش الكهرب، اعلنت الجمارك انها ستطبق القرار وستمنع الافياش غير المطابقة.
قوابس كهرب 110 فولت:
قوابس كهرب 220 فولت:
تأكد من تركيب القوابس الصحيحة في منزلك، واطلبها في الاجهزة التي تشتريها.
أين تذهب في واشنطن
مواضيع اخرى قد تعجبك:
تحديث: ٨ / ٢٠١٤ قمت بزيارة المدينة واضفت بعض الاماكن الجديدة وحذفت بعض الاماكن التي اغلقت، ولا تبخل بملاحظاتك واماكنك ومطاعمك المفضلة.
احد الاصدقاء سيسافر الى الولايات المتحدة الامريكية وسيقف في واشنطن العاصمة لبضعة ايام فسألني عن المدينة بحكم اني درست فيها في مرحلة الماجستير، اول كلمة قلتها له هي لا تقف فيها، لاعتقادي انه لن يجد الكثير ليراه.