Parsing In Shell Script
Here a small snippet to parse name:value pairs is shell script:
centos: CentOS 7
ubuntu: Ubuntu 1804
for i in $values; do
IFS=':' read -ra vals <<< "$i"
unset IFS
read -rd '' name <<< "${vals[0]}"
read -rd '' value <<< "${vals[1]}"
echo "[$name] = [$value]"
[centos] = [CentOS 7]
[ubuntu] = [Ubuntu 1804]
It mainly utilize the “internal field separator” or IFS
, and the read
builtin function.
The first step is to split the string using new line, with IFS=$'\n'
Then we split using the colon :
, and use read -ra vals
to split the input and put it in an array.
Finally, we use read -rd ''
again to get trim spaces from each field.