FireFTP: FTP client inside Firefox
By Rayed
I always have trouble finding and recommending FTP clients to friends, I used to use WS_FTP but it isn’t free, same thing for Cute FTP.
Lately I didn’t use FTP client any more, because I start using HTMLKit it isn’t an FTP client per se, it is an editor with the ability to open remote files using FTP, so I do most of my file editing using it.
HTMLKit is great but it doesn’t support moving files or directories, or transfaering a complete directory. In these cases I usually log to the machine using SSH and do the need operations using the command line, but this not an option for most people.
Today I raed about FireFTP extension for Firefox in an article at I knew that there is an FTP Client extension but I never tried it before, fortunately I did and is AWESOME!! and the best part it is only 100KB, so if you need an FTP client give a try.